June 2021

century law firm legal maxim ultra vires

Ultra Vires – Legal Maxim of the Day

Term- ultra vires Translation- beyond the powers Definition-An act that requires legal authority to perform, but which is done without obtaining that authority. “Ultra vires” is a Latin term that means “beyond the powers.” In legal contexts, it refers to an action or decision that is beyond the legal authority or powers of the person […]

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century law firm legal maxim nolle prosequi

Nolle Prosequi – Legal Maxim of the Day

Term- nolle prosequi Translation- Not to prosecute Definition- A statement from the prosecution that they are voluntarily discontinuing (or will not initiate) prosecution of a matter. “Nolle prosequi” is a Latin legal term that means “to be unwilling to pursue.” In the context of criminal law, it is a decision by a prosecutor or government

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century law firm legal maxim in prope persona

In prope persona – Legal Maxim of the Day

Term- in prope persona Translation- On one’s own person Definition- One who represents themselves in court without the [official] assistance of an attorney. “In propria persona” (sometimes abbreviated as “in pro per” or “pro se”) is a Latin term that means “in one’s own person.” In legal contexts, it refers to a situation where a

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