Most Used Legal Maxims, Translation and Meanings

Most Used Legal Maxims, Translation and Meanings with easy explanation that everyone needs to know. Legal Maxim of the Day. These legal maxims are useful for lawyers, business owners, and more.

The law is often described as “a body of rules.” But in reality, the law is much broader than that. It includes principles, precedents, and maxims. Maxims are concise statements of general principles that apply to many situations. They’re also called “legal maxims” because they’re used by judges and lawyers to explain how the law works.

They will help you avoid common mistakes and pitfalls when dealing with contracts, negotiations, and other legal matters.

Here’s an example of a legal maxim: “The law favours the vigilant and not those who sleep upon their rights.” This means that people should take care to protect themselves against potential risks. If you do nothing, you might lose your right to sue someone else for damages.

Lis Pendens In India meaning

Understanding Lis Pendens in India: A Comprehensive Guide to Property Disputes

1. Introduction In the complex world of property law and real estate transactions in India, one term that often surfaces but is frequently misunderstood is “lis pendens.” This Latin phrase, which translates to “suit pending,” plays a crucial role in protecting the interests of parties involved in property disputes. Whether you’re a property buyer, seller, […]

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Nemo tenetur accusare se ipsum nisi coram Deo – Legal Maxim

Literal Meaning – No one, except before God. This legal maxim denotes that any accused person is entitled to make a plea of not guilty, and also that a witness is not obliged to give a response or submit a document that will incriminate himself. For not only does our law refuse to call on a man

Nemo tenetur accusare se ipsum nisi coram Deo – Legal Maxim Read More »

Pacta sunt servanda Legal Maxim

Pacta sunt servanda – Legal Maxim’s Meaning & Explanation

Literal Meaning of Pacta sunt servanda- Agreements must be followed. The parties to an agreement must do their best to fulfill their obligations under it. “Pacta sunt servanda” is a Latin phrase that means “agreements must be kept” or “promises must be fulfilled”. The phrase is a fundamental principle of contract law and refers to

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