Lawyers Delhi

Property Cases

Property Cases

The terms Property cases is very vast under the Indian Civil Law. Property cases means and include any dispute over right, title, possession, partition of the property. A property on which a case has been instituted is known as suit property and in these cases a map or site plain of suit property is always

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matrimonial case, court marriage in delhi

Matrimonial Cases

Introduction to Matrimonial Law in India Matrimonial law in India, encompassing the complexities of marriage, divorce, and family disputes, reflects the country’s diverse cultural and religious fabric. Governed by various statutes, these laws cater to different religious communities, each with its unique customs and traditions. This field of law not only deals with the legal

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Criminal cases

Criminal Cases

Criminal law deals with actions/deeds/behavior that are or are often construed as an offense against the overall public, society, or the state—even if the immediate victim is Public Person. Examples are murder, assault, theft, and drunken driving. In such cases either FIR is registered or GD/DD entry/ Challan is made. In criminal Cases, Police/Forces/Agencies are

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