Most Used Legal Maxims, Translation and Meanings

Most Used Legal Maxims, Translation and Meanings with easy explanation that everyone needs to know. Legal Maxim of the Day. These legal maxims are useful for lawyers, business owners, and more.

The law is often described as “a body of rules.” But in reality, the law is much broader than that. It includes principles, precedents, and maxims. Maxims are concise statements of general principles that apply to many situations. They’re also called “legal maxims” because they’re used by judges and lawyers to explain how the law works.

They will help you avoid common mistakes and pitfalls when dealing with contracts, negotiations, and other legal matters.

Here’s an example of a legal maxim: “The law favours the vigilant and not those who sleep upon their rights.” This means that people should take care to protect themselves against potential risks. If you do nothing, you might lose your right to sue someone else for damages.

century law firm legal maxim suppressio veri

Suppressio Veri – Legal Maxim of the Day

Term- suppressio veri Translation- suppression of the truth Definition- Willful concealment of the truth when bound to reveal it, such as withholding details of damage from an auto accident from a prospective buyer of the car in that accident. “Suppressio veri” is a Latin term that means “suppression of truth.” In a legal context, it

Suppressio Veri – Legal Maxim of the Day Read More »

century law firm legal maxim sua moto

Suo Moto Explained: A Key Legal Maxim in Judicial Proactivity.

Term- suo moto Translation- of its own motion Definition- Refers to a court or other official agency taking some action on its own accord. Similar to sua sponte. “Suo moto” is a Latin term that means “on its own motion.” In a legal context, the term is often used to describe a situation where a

Suo Moto Explained: A Key Legal Maxim in Judicial Proactivity. Read More »