Lawyer and Advocate Difference | Meaning of PP, Barrister, Attorney

Meaning of Law qualified professionals

The below given professional people got the professional degree in the field of law from the reputed institution/ colleges situated in India and Abroad such qualified professional plays an important role for the upliftment of the society. Below persons belongs from legal fraternity and playing vital role in providing the legal advices to the people. Lawyer and Advocate difference is also given below.

  • Lawyer– The lawyer is the person who is professionally qualified and holder of degree of law from the reputed institution/college of India and having knowledge of law can provide the legal advice to the people. But such person cannot represent himself/herself before the Hon’ble court until unless get the License after registering himself/ herself into the State Bar Council.
  • Barrister- The barrister is the person who is professionally qualified and holder of degree of law from the reputed institution/college of Abroad and having knowledge of law can provide the legal advice to the people. But such person cannot represent himself/herself before the Hon’ble court until unless get the License after registering himself/ herself into the State Bar Council.

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  • Advocate- The advocate also known as counsel or Legal Aid counsel.  Such person who is professionally qualified and holder of degree of law from the reputed institution/college of India and also practicing license holder after getting himself/herself into the state Bar council and having knowledge of law can provide the legal advice to the people. Also such person can represent himself/herself before the Hon’ble Court. That the after the 2010, the license holder also should be AIBE qualified and holder of certificate of practice.
  • Prosecutor- The prosecutor is the person who is professionally qualified and also holder of degree of law from the reputed institution/ colleges representing himself/ herself before the Hon’ble court on the behalf of the State. Such qualified people also known as Public Prosecutor.
  • Advocate General- The Advocate general is the person who is professionally qualified and also holder of degree of law from the reputed institution/ colleges representing himself/ herself before the Hon’ble court on the behalf of the State Government. Such qualified people also known as senior officer of law.
  • Attorney General- The Attorney general is the person who is professionally qualified and also holder of degree of law from the reputed institution/ colleges representing himself/herself before the Hon’ble court on the behalf of the Central Government. Such qualified people also known as senior most officer of law
  • Solicitor General- The Solicitor general is the person who is professionally qualified and also holder of degree of law from the reputed institution/ colleges. Such qualified professionals assist to the Attorney General for representing the Central Government.

If the parties cannot come to an agreement, the mediator will suggest another method of resolving the dispute. He or she may recommend another method of ADR or Litigation as a last resort.

You can represent yourself through your lawyer in your mediation case. If you are looking for the best Lawyer for Mediation then contact Century Law Firm today.

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