Loan helps the person in supporting that person, his family, firm, company’s rise and fulfilling its desire and need. But in case of default of any EMI, the Bank or Loan Provider takes coercive action and does not consider the situation of the debtor and even does not consider the past good record of the Debtor. It is often noticed and complained about that there is unfair trade practice and deficiency in services on the part of loan provider. At the time of the giving the Loan they promise something else and on the default the EMI thy turn hostile and do not consider anything. They become adamant to take coercive action and even possession of mortgaged property is taken away possession of and many a time property of the debtor is auctioned.
At the time of the taking loan, in name of formalities many a time the debtor is made to sign unfilled loan agreement and later on the name of prime lending rate of interest and fluctuating rate of interest debtor are harassed. Century Law Firm advises you to go through the all the relevant Loan documents before signing it, strike off unfilled or unwanted clauses of the loan agreement.
Our team of efficient lawyers protect the debtor as per law and provide them best possible options to save themselves from any coercive and arbitrary action of the Loan provider.